Sunday, May 29, 2011

Always Looking for New Friends

Children and adults vary in many ways. One important way is that adults rarely let someone "new" into their circle of friends and children are always looking for "new" friends. It might be because the "new" friend have diffrent/cooler toys or that he/she has a swimming pool. Most adults, on the other hand, have alot invested in friendships, feel they are hard work, and just don't "pick up friends" like kids pick up players for the neighborhood baseball game.

I used to think I didn't have many adult friends, but now I realize I have many adults I am happy to call "friends". There are my work friends; my neighborhood friends; my friends from elementary school, junior high, and high school. I also have great friends at church and a few of "the girls" hang out talking before Wednesday night service solving everyone's problems.

Thanks to Facebook I have reconnected with old friends I haven't seen or heard from in years. It is great to be able to see pictures of their families, hear about their daily adventures, and pray for them when needed.

Today, I was looking at a friend's Facebook page at a picture she posted of her son's new haircut. Matthew crawled into my lap and asked me"Who dat mom?" I explained "His name is Ollie and his momma and I went to school together." Matthew then said "I want to play wif him." "Well, Matthew he lives in Alabama" I replied. Thinking the conversation was over, a few minutes later I happen across him putting his shoes on by the carport door. I asked "Matthew, where are you going." "Mom, we go to Abamba to play wif Ollie."

So, the point of this story is to live like a child and go out and make new friends!!!!!

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